Want to find me.. I will be at the bar with a glass in my hand, but not eating the nuts... bar nuts are sort of scary.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where is Blogger the frog?

We found a stowaway. 

It wasn’t until we arrived in Bad Marienberg (we are in Germany, people) that we discovered a creature of the green and fluffy persuasion in our luggage.  He immediately hopped out and made himself at home (on my side of the bed):




What Blogger the frog didn’t figure on, was that this particular hotel is smack-bang in the middle of a WildPark… i.e that means full of frog-eating-animals.  Things got a little hairy around the donkey, who quite frankly thought we were sending him some tasty afternoon tea.


And really didn’t improve when Blogger the frog decided it was time to give the Alpaca a big kiss.  Who knew that those guys with the gorgeous eyelashes could be so snotty!







There was an unfortunate incident with an ostrich, which left Blogger the frog feeling less than loved.  Anyone that made reference to ‘lunch’ would be shot a dirty look that could have cut glass:

IMG_7385  IMG_7384

After so much adventure, Blogger the Frog found himself a nice cosy spot to chill out… “Hey!  Where did everybody go? Hmm sort of quiet here… and a little spooky… seriously, a lot of trees… can you say ‘Witch from Hansel & Gretel?’ … after all, we are in Deepest Darkest German Forest here…


It was all too much for Blogger the frog, so following Lulu’s lead… he headed for the closest watering hole, and enjoyed a long, cold Bier (Beer), some sauerkraut and a tasty pork knuckle…with his new best friend!



To find out where else he has been and request a visit from him, please visit Jamie over at Mommy's Camera she will be more than happy to get the message to Blogger. You can also find Blogger on Jamie's Community on the BlogFrog  You can also see a map here of all the places that Blogger has been, and I will be checking that map out to see where he is going after he leaves here.

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