Want to find me.. I will be at the bar with a glass in my hand, but not eating the nuts... bar nuts are sort of scary.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I was out the door, I tell ya!

How freaky is that!!! I spent the best part of the day sorting out my life over at WordPress - post over here at Blogger - only to discover that after all the tears, the tantrums and the trama - the damn comments are back!!

I don't get it.

Have I fallen into some weird matrix, is somebody playing mind games with me?

I dont' get it.

Now I don't know if I should stay here - or move over to the new house at WordPress -

What do you think?


Maxie Gregg said...

Yay, you're back!! Ooh and comments too!! Yahooooooo!

Wordpress seems to be the wave of the future - see for a recent post on this very thing.

Lynda said...

Maxie.... my loyal companion,... follow me to the paradise that is Wordpress - seems the whole comment thing is just too much to for me. The comments are gone again. I can take it ooohhh the humanity - where is the humanity.

alessandra said...

I don't know, today I tried to comment on wordpress and I couldn't, bah!

oreneta said...

I'm happy to read you in both places!!! (though I am not getting feed for my feed reader from wordpress'll come.

Limningedge said...

My golly gosh! I go away for just a little while and the whole blanky world goes crazy - half my office moved while I was away and now Lulu has gone too ... BOO HOO!
Oh damm it all; I'll just sit in the corner and drink the duty free booze I got for someone else - they don't need it as badly as I do.
I don't understand ... now I see you, now I don't - I think there's a Collingwood supporter on the zebra crossing ... said...

stay............but do not trifle with bites.
THOUGH.......wordpress might have some more bells and whistles, which do seem to mess with you ......more potential to do so toooooo?

aladdinsane12 said...

i have experience working with both wordpress and blogger and it seems to me like wordpress is more "advanced" in many ways. but to move my blog over there would be too much of a hassle, i think. i ain't doing it!


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