Now I am just irritated – damn comments!
Changed out Blogger comments for Disqus – but everyone complained it was too slow to load.
Removed Disqus – but Blogger didn’t come back.
Put Disqus back on – Then it was loading TWICE.
Removed Disqus again and spent the better part of a day trying to repair blogger… nothing, nada, zip.
So now I have tried IntenseDebate. If this doesn’t work – I am giving up and moving the blog someplace else… typepad I think.
Oh, and by the way…
I am running away and heading south for the weekend. Miss Eight and I are going on a road trip. Of course, this morning I woke up and the weather has gone from dry and blue skies to rain, ice, gray… and apparently snow down south.
Think I will go and hang out with Frau Beimer, she will make me a nice fried egg.
Have a good one – want me to bring back a souvenir?